Inspirational Fiction
Waiting on the Warrior: Devotional Series
Have you ever been asked the question, "If you had one super power what would it be?" Most of us, when asked that question, would come up with answers like flying, super-strength, x-ray vision and so on. In Waiting on the Warrior, David King goes on a journey to find out what it means to possess true super powers: forgiveness and love. After the death of his brother, David hits rock bottom and experiences the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. He must learn what it means to love his enemies and truly forgive, even if that enemy is himself. David finds out quickly that all of the fight inside of him can be turned around and used for God.
Color Blind: Grunderson's First Adventure
Discover Grunderson - a very special person. His eyes don't see races or colors of skin. His eyes only see the person beyond the outward appearance. He looks like grown man but acts like an innocent child. His heart is big and full with the love of Jesus but he still makes many mistakes on a daily basis. He never lets this get him down though! He learns many life lessons through this book aptly titled "Color Blind" - not because he is color blind with his eyes but because he is color blind with his heart.
The House of Eternity III: The Life
The economy and moral structure of America is crumbling, and all are becoming slaves of human knowledge… All around Azariah there are hurting and lonely people, searching for the Truth in their existence… After escaping the clutches of the United States Government and rightfully claiming his inheritance in Switzerland, Azariah and Zaccai embark on another kind of journey to bring respite to the weak and weary in the streets of America. Despite being labeled “The Number One Most Wanted Man in the World”, Azariah and Zaccai face tremendous battles together to bring healing and new hope to the destitute and forgotten, and by the end of their journey together, both of them receive divine revelation of what it means to live the True Life in the House of Eternity.
Waiting on the Warrior
Have you ever been asked the question, “If you had one super power what would it be?” Most of us, when asked that question, would come up with answers like flying, super-strength, x-ray vision, and so on.
In Waiting on the Warrior, David King goes on a journey to find out what it means to possess true super-powers: Forgiveness and love.
After the death of his brother, David hits rock bottom and experiences the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. He must learn what it means to love his enemies and truly forgive, even if that enemy is himself.
David finds out quickly that all of the fight inside of him can be turned and used for the glory of God.
The House of Eternity I: The Way
The economy and moral structure of America is crumbling, and all are becoming slaves of human knowledge… All around Azariah there are hurting and lonely people, searching for the Truth in their existence… At twenty years of age, he finds himself to be one of these searching people, having only memories of physical abuse from a man that adopted him at a very young age… Suddenly, there are two mysterious siblings who carry the Truth right into Azariah’s lonely, pain stricken, and poverty ridden life… Although the horrors of murder, infidelity, abandonment, and unbelief are pressing in on his life from many angles, the enigmatic siblings introduce Azariah to his True heritage and show him a life of love in the battlefield of bodily mortality and spiritual immortality.
The House of Eternity II: The Truth
The economy and moral structure of America is crumbling, and all are becoming slaves of human knowledge… All around Azariah there are hurting and lonely people, searching for the Truth in their existence… After his identity being revealed to him, Azariah embarks on a journey to re-claim his rightful inheritance, tear down the wickedness of an Empire, and mentor a young man named Zaccai who accompanies him on his travels. The two young men travel the globe together while the United States Government pursues them on an international man-hunt, and Azariah reveals to Zaccai the true meaning of love the same way the Hebrew siblings revealed it to him. The Hebrew siblings make another special appearance in his life at just the right time, and when the two young men finally reach their destination to claim Azariah’s inheritance, a stunning surprise awaits them!